Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fleeing the house

Since I earned my freedom from having to go to Hopkins today with the harrowing transfusion on Monday one might think that I'd sit around eating bon-bons or otherwise enjoying myself. In many cases you might be right, however, yesterday and today Princess Audrey has been pretty sick: cough, throwing up, etc. So the household is in high alert. The unsick are all wearing masks and again, I might suggest buying stock in the manufacturers of Lysol (is that J&J?). My mother-in-law has taken the form of the cavalry and will remain here with Audrey and once I'm done with my 'computering' will head for the hills. With my blood counts on the verge of collapse I probably can't go anywhere exciting so I'll likely hole up at my folks place for the majority of the day and evening and return home to say goodnight to the kids and to sleep in my own bed.

There is little new to report--just looking forward to learning on Friday that my blood cell counts have dropped (a little early, I'm predicting) that I successfully finished round 4's spinal taps (and number 8 of 12), and that I've been transfused with all that I need to keep me rolling along.


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