Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The end of the delay - hopefully

Good Morning All:

Sorry for the gap in posts. There really hasn't been much news and we had a fairly busy weekend. So, not much to say and not a lot of time to say it . . .

I had my counts checked on Saturday and the platelets were still low. I had another appointment yesterday and they were high enough to be admitted. There was a slim chance that I would have simply stayed at Hopkins yesterday but beds were tight. I was told that there was a better chance that I could be admitted today. So I am patiently waiting by the phone for the call to Baltimore.

I wanted to remark briefly on the past week or so as this small disappointment continued. It is amazing to me just how important 'attitude' has become. While I don't believe that I let the disappointment get me off of my game, I can definitely say that it had me teetering a bit on the edge of negativity. There were times where a perfect storm of concern, disappointment, and anxiousness was threatening my normal cheery outlook. There were times where I could really sense how close a descent into despair might be, and it was a bit frightening. I appreciate the kind words of those who reassured me that the slow platelet recovery was normal.

I'm continuing to soldier on and it is much easier to do just that knowing that I've got the green light for round 4 finally. I met with Dr. Connolly yesterday and she indicated that I would go through the mid-treatment tests (CT Scans, bone marrow biopsy) a couple of weeks (right before Christmas?) following my admission. I'll certainly share my progress when I know more definitively.



  1. Here's to hoping you'll be all done and ready for Christmas! We're still rooting for you.

    - Liz

  2. Hey Russ-
    Chin up, just because you're not bouncing back as quickly as you expected really isn't cause to worry, it's actually very normal. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family! Don't make me start sending you my Irish jokes! (I'm Irish, it's okay...)

    Take care,

  3. Russ,
    "You're hanging in there" as we know you would. Off to Round 4 and half way there....



Please feel free to comment and or ask questions when moved to do so. I will try to respond when and where appropriate.