Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Good Morning all:

Just a quick update: The wait for my counts to return continues. I believe that I am on the verge of that recovery though I also suspect that I will have the normal delay in waiting for my platelets to return so that I might start the next round of chemotherapy.

I've been getting a fair number of transfusions (platelets and red blood cells) recently and I can see that my body is handling the B-cycle of treatment less well than it did the first or second time. My chief complaint at this time, however, is that I happened to wander into a cold virus while I don't have the white blood cells to combat it. I suspect that its a wimpy little cold that will quickly be vanquished once I've got WBCs but for now its running rampant and causing the nose to run, sneezes, coughs, headaches . . .

In any event, I'm trying to follow doctor's orders and to drink fluids and get plenty of rest.


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